People say wise things all the time. It is only the famous that have their words recorded for others to learn from. For the rest of us the wise aphorisms we say are neither recorded nor remembered.
As a doctor and therapist, over the years, I have needed to give much advice to my patients and clients. Here is a sample. The simplest and best have been a sentence, or two at the most. They are the least unforgettable.
These are my “unquoted quotes”. I give a little description of each, and a credit where due. I hope there is in here something that you will find can help you
"There is no such thing as a failure, merely a learning opportunity."
"Even our successes, the things we did well, we will do even better in 10 years."
"If it is so good to learn from our mistakes, why do we strive so hard not to make any?"
"Success in one exam, gives us the dubious privilege of having the opportunity to fail the next."
This originally comes from my brother. He actually said, “Success in one exam, gives us the dubious privilege of having the opportunity to sit the next”. I changed it because like the next quotes I want to give the message that whatever we do career wise the paths lead us to doing what we are most at ease with..
"What kind of reward is it when promotion, takes us out of our comfort zone and gives us more responsibility and stress?"
"Failure closes one door but allows us to enter another room, in which we can feel much more at home."
"There is no incompatibility between my practice of medicine as a GP and my practice of hypnosis as a therapist. What is scientifically valid for the one is equally valid for the other. What I say in the one I could as equally repeat in the other. And the care and attention I take in choosing my words in the one, is similarly meticulous in the other."
"At 18 I thought I knew it all. At 28 I thought I knew it all because I knew that I knew more than when I was 18. At 38 I thought I knew it all because I knew that I knew more than when I was 28. At 48 I knew that at 18 I was wrong."
"Hypnosis is therapy for the sub-conscious mind. So why have a therapy that has to communicate with the sub-conscious mediated through the conscious when you can have one that talks directly with the sub-conscious itself?"
"My job is like cream cakes, very nice, but too much of it can make you sick."
"It is my clients who make me look good."
Here are some quotes on what I call the emotional system. It is a term I coined. In the human body, a system is a collection of organs and tissues working together with one purpose. For example the cardiovascular system is the heart and blood vessels pumping the blood throughout the body. The Emotional system includes the many organs including brain, gut and hormone secreting tissues that look after our emotions.
"Good people make mistakes. Even getting things terribly wrong does not turn a good person into a bad one."
"All the mistakes we make in life are when we are placed in a situation that was too much for our emotional systems to handle."
“'Being strong' is often misunderstood. People think that being strong is about not showing emotion, keeping it together; and by not breaking down and crying. But true strength of character is to do the right thing when our predispositions, feelings and inclinations would let us do the opposite."
"The start in life is irrelevant. What counts for each of us is when our children reach young adulthood; their emotional systems are in better shape than that of our parents at the same stage of development. When this happens throughout, society is much healthier place than it was a generation previously."
"We all find it easier to have around us people whose nerves are good. And, the person with bad nerves, not only does he tend to be shunned by others, but also he has to fight himself to achieve the same. So perhaps the person with bad nerves is actually deserving of more sympathy rather than less."
These next few quotes refer to anger. It is the least well-understood emotion often with other people being aware a person has a problem before the person himself. The quotes below may explain why.
"Anger is a normal healthy emotion. We need to embrace it and use it positively."
"Anger is the emotion that drives us to act first and think later."
"Anger is an emotion that gives energy to right wrongs and protect the innocent. But in the wrong hands anger is highly destructive."
"It takes anger to justify the inexcusable."
"If a person says they are not emotional, you can be confident they are not aware of their own deep-seated anger issues."
"The more a person truly understands, the less angry he becomes. If you are still angry, perhaps you do not fully understand."
"If foreign policies were determined by their ability to minimise anger, may be the world would be a much safer place."
"We have a duty to ourselves to strive for perfection in the certain knowledge that it will never ever be achieved. It is the striving for perfection that is the virtue, not the achieving it."
"Do what you enjoy the most. Do what you do best. Fortunately they are usually the same thing. Because if we are good at something we enjoy doing it; and if we enjoy doing something we become good at it."
"People think that success in life is about wealth or possessions. Those who are wiser will understand that it is also about families. Wealth, possessions and family help, for sure, but in reality, life is about how we manage our stresses and the most successful people manage their stresses the best."
"Unemployment is the opportunity to do doing something better with your time."
"The break up of a relationship is the opportunity to find a better more suitable partner."
"If you are not sure how to handle a difficult situation, be strong on the gentle approach."
And finally the single most important piece of advice I can give
"Keep life simple."
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