In our own minds we need a place, a special place. A place that we can go to. In this place we are happy, healthy, confident, calm, contented. In this place we are in harmony with ourselves and in harmony with our surroundings.
The mind we have is like a lake. Our mind makes a representation of the world and it reflects back to us the world as we see it. If and when we are calm, like in the picture above, the the mind produces a faithful replication and a true representation.
But like the water, in the image below left, when the mind is troubled, neither are able to reflect back the world. We no longer see the world as it really is. As we can see in the picture, the world indeed is beautiful, but the mind's representation is distorted. We may be aware that there is something present, but the detail is lost.
In reality, for many people it is like the picture below right. There may be areas of our minds, where we have a clear view of the subject, and other areas where the mind's representation is distorted.
Through deep relaxation such as hypnosis or other forms of meditation, we can achieve a state of calmness, if not in all aspects of life, certainly in some.
There may be times in our lives when we have an important and necessary task or a challenge ahead of us. We do not know how to achieve this. We have many skills abilities and attributes. Unfortunately because we focus on what is lacking, or we compare ourselves to others, we forget that we have many more of these abilities than we realise.
So let us take our time to bring together from the deeper
Imagine 'the road of our life.' It is a long straight road. We stand on our road in the present. In front of us is the future. Behind us is the past. On this road, the most recent past is close by and the more distance past is further away. The near future is close I front of us and the more distant future further away. We cannot see the start or the end of the road but we know that the road starts at our beginnings and extends into the future beyond the horizon.
If we have a troubled present we can use the 'road of our life' to 'visit' significant events in our past and resolve them in a manner that we have so far not been able to. We can also 'visit' a brighter future when the present difficulties have been resolved. Our future self, can look back and advise the present self what needs to be done and how it was done. Under hypnosis these techniques work.
(This picture obviously is not a realistic representation of a scene. A stock photograph of the long distance runner was edited including changing the distant scenery to give the impression the road is long and straight.)
I took this selfie on an iPad to demonstrate the view to aim for when setting up the video camera at home, The knees and hands will look disproportionately larger because they are so mych closer to the camera.
Dolphins are graceful intelligent social animals. Dolphins communicate through a series of squeaks, whistles and clicks. Perhaps the reason we like them so much is because they appear to us to have a constant smile on their faces.
It is important that we not only have good communication with others but good communication with our inner selves, knowing what it is we truly want.
From little acorns grow mighty oaks. The blueprint for becoming a great oak is within the acorn. The acorn, like all plants will require good soil with the right nutrients, water and sunshine. If all these things are provided the acorn will thrive and develop into the oak tree.
Similarly for the babies below they have their blueprint to grow into healthy adults. The human blueprint is within our genetics and perhaps also our epigenetics. The human blueprint is far more complex than that of the oak tree. Not only does it contain matters such as health and physique but it provides also our natural aptitudes such as intelligence, artistic ability, creativity, manual dexterity and inter-personal communication that can be developed into capabilities to skills for later learning and earning.
The Human Emotional System is complex. Not only does it comprise the brain, mind and its associated thoughts, feelings and actions but also much of the body including heart, stomach, reproductive (male and female) and hormone secreting organs. We have emotions because along with intuition they help us make decisions; particularly when speed is important, or there is a lack of information for accurate analysis, or it would take too long for calculations and logic alone.
These sleeping and happy babies represent everything is in order with their world. The emotional system is in its baseline contented state. From there many of the other emotions which can feel distressing inform the person that circumstances are potentially or actually changing from this baseline of well-being and therefore may need attention. Like the person's intellect and physical well-being, the emotional system will need to be well trained and developed to utilise its full potential.
The basic normal healthy human emotions are anxiety, sadness and anger. Anger is the feeling that a person has when there is a threat. It demands action. When Genus Homo was still living in the jungle and a wild beast would be approaching the camp, the fight or flight mechanism steps in and there would be thoughts of rage and attack, or pick up the babies and head to safety.
In today's society the threats are different. Anger may be the predominant emotion when there has been a loss of self-worth or a sense of injustice. Anger demands justice to restore the world to its proper state. It demands the righting of wrongs. This may require a lot of time, or it may not even be possible. Modern society does not like anger because it can be vengeful and destructive. When unexpressed, anger can lead to frustrations and resentments and feeling further ill at ease with oneself.
A sign that circumstances are conducive to personal well-being is when a person is able to express him or herself freely and safely without there being any chance of harm to oneself or others. Imagine that you have taken yourself to the top of a hill. All around you are valleys. There is no other soul near by or in visual distance. At the top of the hill you can vent by shouting all your feelings, frustrations, angers and resentments. There is no one to hear you and the wind carries those words faraway.
Once you have freed yourself from the anger and resentment, you can fill you lungs with fresh air, appreciate the beauty of where you are and enjoy the scenery around you.
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